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Survey on external finance for businesses in Wales

The Development Bank of Wales is a subsidiary of Welsh Government and provides sustainable and effective finance to businesses that will benefit Wales and its people.

The Development Bank of Wales has commissioned Opinion Research Services (ORS), an independent social research organisation based in Swansea, to undertake a survey of Welsh small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The purpose of the survey is to better understand how SMEs use banks and external financing, and how this has changed since the Covid-19 pandemic

As part of this project, ORS will be gathering information through an online and telephone survey. ORS will contact a selected sample via email and/or telephone call during Autumn/Winter 2024.

Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. However, your views and experiences are important to help inform the design and implementation of financial products by the Development Bank of Wales.

The contact for this research at ORS is: 

Kester Holmes

E-mail address:

If you are contacted by an interviewer from ORS, you can confirm their identity by contacting ORS on: 0800 107 7890. Further information about ORS can be found on their website

The contacts for this research at the Development Bank of Wales are: 

Sian Price and Liam Evans

Email address:

Development Bank of Wales enquiries telephone number: 0800 587 4140


What is the lawful basis for using your personal data?
The lawful basis for processing personal information in this data collection exercise is the Development Bank's public task. Participation is completely voluntary. Only ORS will hold your personal data; no personal data will be shared with the Development Bank. 

Research studies such as this are important for the Development Bank of Wales to collect information and actionable evidence about its ability to deliver Welsh Government priorities. The information collected in this research will be used to inform future business finance provision and delivery. 

How secure is your personal data?
ORS research activities and systems are fully certified to ISO 27001:2013 and Cyber Essentials.  ORS will only use this data for research purposes and your contact details will never be released to any other parties. ORS strictly adheres to all Data Protection regulations and the MRS Code of Conduct. ORS has procedures to deal with any suspected data security breaches. If a suspected breach occurs, ORS will report this to the Development Bank of Wales who will notify you and any applicable regulator where they are legally required to do so. 

The Development Bank of Wales is the Data Controller for the research. ORS as Data Processors will delete any personal data connected with the survey within 3 months of project completion, but the rest of your responses will be kept for statistical purposes. All results provided to Development Bank of Wales will be in an anonymised format. The anonymised data will also be shared with Cardiff Business School (part of the Development Bank’s Economic Intelligence Wales research collaboration), to analyse the anonymised survey results and produce a report which will be published on the Economic Intelligence Wales website