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Policy Forum for Wales 2023

The pathway to net zero emissions will be the discussion at this conference,while also assessing Wales’ future and how it will need to change to obtain its goals. These include having net zero emissions by 2050 or sooner, Wales’ Innovation strategy, as well as discussing both the Wales Climate Change Engagement Plan and the United Nations climate conference. The event also provides an opportunity to discuss the net zero emissions goal across sectors such as agriculture, energy, heat and transport with stakeholders and policymakers. Further topics will include working on the 2024 National Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the current engagement levels of the Welsh public.

There willbe four keynote speakers, Claire Pillman – Chief Executive of Natural Resources Wales, James Tarlton – Senior Analyst of Carbon Budgets for the Climate Change Committee, Janet Finch-Saunders - Shadow Minister for Climate Change in the Welsh Conservatives and Andy Billcliff – CEO and Energy Portfolio Director for Menter Mon Morlais.

Who's attending