Eligibility checker

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Can we help you?

The Development Bank of Wales is here to help businesses in Wales get the finance they need. Check to see if your business is eligible to apply.

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We only support businesses in Wales through loans and equity investments. Are you looking for a business grant?

You'll need to speak to Business Wales. To find out more information on grants visit businesswales.gov.wales

Is your business based in Wales?

Are you willing to relocate?

Sorry, we can only support businesses based in Wales.

If you're a business based in the North of England you may be eligible for finance from FW Capital Find out more.

Does your business operate in the following sectors?

Gambling, Tobacco, Production of Weapons and Ammunition or any sectors that give rise to significant environmental impact or are ethically or morally controversial.

Sorry, we are unable to support these sectors.

Is your business an SME?

No problem. We can support non-SMEs (mid-cap businesses) with finance from £25,000 - £5 million.
Apply now or contact us.

Are you a start-up, early stage or established company looking to develop and exploit technology?

We can support your business with loans or equity investment from £50,000 to £2 million.
Apply now or find out more.

Are you a property developer looking to finance a project in Wales?

We can support you with loans up to £5 million.
Apply now or find out more.

How much do you need?


Sounds like you're eligible!
The next step now is to start your application.

Sounds like you're eligible!
The next step now is to start your application.

No problem. If you contact us we can discuss your needs further.